Panama Central District held a pastors retreat at the Galerita Hotel in Santiago, Veraguas, from November 1st to 4th 2015. An average of 17 couples including 2 people from Panama’s West District attended the retreat.

Doctors Jess and Joanne Soulia, from the Flint Church of the Nazarene in Michigan, Sister Rosa Saenz and brother Miguel and Sister Irene Garita of the Mesoamerica Regional Family Care Ministry participated as speakers

Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Saenz, Rev. Carlos de la Cruz and Rev. Ulises Espinosa shared sermons and devotionals.

Pastors had a special time, stepping out of their pastoral routine, as they shared in a time of spiritual refreshment in God’s Word and guidance for couple and family.

Please pray for God’s blessing to be upon the Panamanian pastors and those throughout the Mesoamerica region.

Information provided by: Joel Bermudez, Panama Communications

Editing: Mesoamerica Communications