In the Bible, we find stories of romance, judgment, action, abandonment, destruction, war, love; but, above all things, in it we find the voice of God speaking to our lives. If we read it carefully every day, and meditate on it, we will find words of encouragement, challenge, consolation, hope and exhortation.

During this year, mature young people and adults will continue studying challenging books and topics that will help them know more about the biblical context, and these lessons will also teach you how to make that Word clear and practical to them today.

The Path of Truth has 52 lessons with biblical teachings applicable to daily life. In each quarter this year, you will be challenged with the study of:

• A special treatment of his people: Jeremiah

• Taking care of our emotions

• Useful recommendations for believers: James, 1 and 2 Peter

• The Ten Commandments

Together let us continue studying and advancing in our growth in the life of faith. Let's not stop; God has great teachings for our lives today.

You can download a digital copy here, or buy a physical copy from the Regional NDI Office.

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