Nazarene Missions International (NMI) leaders from the Mesoamerica region met in Panama from July 22 to 25 for training on the new ministry strategy and guidelines to be shared with the local churches.

The participants were: Alma Hidalgo and Maria Lucia Manuel from the Mexico field, Olga Novoa from the North Central field, Donnamie Ali from the Caribbean field and Annecesse Zamor from the Haiti field. Also in attendance was Mr. Carlos Quijano, regional representative to the NMI Global Council.

Regional Director Dr. Carlos Saenz and NMI Regional Coordinator Ana Maria Crocker presented the different topics and workshops to the NMI leaders. One of the topics they addressed focused on the support of the local church to the World Evangelism Fund (WEF). It was announced that a plan would soon be launched to help increase the region’s contribution towards achieving the goal of raising 1.5 million dollars by 2030.

“We appreciate your prayers that God would give us the necessary tools and persons to promote and implement this strategy,” said Regional NMI Coordinator, Ana Maria Crocker.

Source: Ana Maria Crocker, Regional NMI Coordinator