Did you know that making fun of someone’s accent, their word choice and knowledge of a language is considered racist and xenophobic?

As Christians, we believe that there is one human race created by God. Humankind was created in God’s image and likeness. We were created with love. We were blessed. We were given qualities, faculties, capacities, freedom and authority. We were created for relationship with our Creator, other human beings and the rest of creation.

The Scriptures affirm that after God created man (humankind) and everything for him to enjoy, He saw that everything was good (Genesis 1:31), and that God crowned him with glory and honor (Psalm 8 ). We were created originally perfect. Although there are groups of people with different physical characteristics, we are still one human race. We all are human beings. We celebrate diversity, not uniformity.

Written By: Ruthie Cordova

Learn what Nazarenes believe about Discrimination here

Learn more International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination here