During this past Holy Week, Etla Church of the Nazarene in Mexico experienced an intentional time of seeking the Lord through different activities. Many people from the community gathered in increasing numbers with each activity culminating in an Easter Sunday celebration where 400 people attended.

They began on Wednesday with a night of praise to celebrate God’s great love.

On Thursday, they gathered for a time of fasting and prayer. Later they shared a time of refreshment and enjoyed a time of fellowship. In the evening, they celebrated the Lord’s Supper and remembered the events of Maundy Thursday. Many took up the challenge to live a life of gratitude to Jesus for his willingness to sacrifice himself in obedience to the Father.

On Good Friday in the evening, the gathered to hear the Word of God and pray for those who are sick both physically and emotionally. “We faithfully believe that the power (of God) was present,” said Daniela Sanitago, member of the pastoral team of the Etla Church of the Nazarene.

On Saturday morning, they gathered for a time of ministry, prayer, and confession. “We experienced the Lord in an incredible way and left full of Him,” said Dainela Santiago.

On Easter Sunday at 5:00 a.m., they celebrated the resurrection of Jesus attended by more than 400 people, including members of the church and guests. The pastor of the church, Josué Barrera, shared a message from the Bible.

One entire family gave their lives to Jesus. This is the first time that they had attended a church. They saw the announcements of the event on social media and decided to attend.

“It was noteworthy that many people who had not visited our church joined this special celebration,” said Daniela Santiago. “It was a celebration full of joy, happiness, thankfulness, and hope. We celebrate that Christ lives, that he conquered death, and that through Him, we are free, forgiven, redeemed, and transformed into a new creature.”

Source: Daniela Santiago, member of the pastoral team of Etla Church of the Nazarene