“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years…” Deuteronomy 30:19-20, NIV

Many young people choose to live imitating certain music artists, athletes, and others, making them personal heroes, so much so that they influence their lives more than they think. Without realizing it, they begin to copy their behavior, way of dressing, speaking, and even thinking.

A great soccer star recently died, but like many other famous men and women, he sadly had a disastrous family life, with himself and others.

In this case, it was his addictions that led him to lose the possibility of continuing to perform the sport that led him to fame. Apparently being so famous made him lose himself and surrender to the dominance of drugs, which ultimately caused his death.

Although as a young person and as part of your process in life you need someone to imitate, it is necessary that you develop the ability to discern, so that when you admire someone you understand that they are just humans who, although might excel in one area of life, also have areas where they can be weak, so you can’t just be dazzled by what they do well.

This ability to discern is called emotional intelligence and it is what allows us to differentiate what is good to imitate and what is not. It helps us to reflect on what is good or bad for our life and that helps us to choose what is best. And God asks us to choose life, but not only for personal gain but also for the good of our descendants.

Emotional intelligence will help you:

  1. Say no to addictions, even if they seem attractive. You can say no because you will understand that they do not build up your life.
  2. Say no to sex and pregnancy before or outside of marriage.
  3. Think that you deserve a good future and that therefore you should take care of your present.
  4. Learn to make good decisions, taking into account that what you decide today must be adequate for your future life.
  5. Understand that to be happy you do not need alcohol, drugs, or to live without boundaries, because you will recognize that this will have consequences for your future. Well, even if you think there is a long way to go, your future life is a reality that you must build today.
  6. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your decisions as you dare to trust the Holy Spirit.
  7. Accept that God has good plans for your life and that you can walk with that conviction.

You and I need emotional intelligence, which is also the wisdom we can ask God for. God will give it to us and help us choose life and blessing.

May God help you in everything you undertake today.

Dr. Miguel E Irene Garita
Family Care Ministry, Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region.