SENDAS Celebrates Graduation 2013

  On November 9, SENDAS held the yearly campus graduation program to celebrate the 21 students who completed their studies in their respective programs. Throughout the year 2013, there have been a total of 32 graduates. At some of the locations throughout Latin America where SENDAS serves, they hold their own ceremonies to recognize the

December 12th, 2013|Central, News, Theological Education|

Leadership Training and SDMI in El Salvador

On November 3, 2013, Shaping and Leadership workshops took place at the Santa Tecla Church of the Nazarene in the El Salvador West District. About 65 people attended this activity, including Superintendents, Pastors, and SDMI Leaders from the district. It was an excellent time that challenged each participant to exercise his or her leadership more

One-day Medical Program blesses Guatemalan population

On November 11, 2013, the Central Senahú Church of the Nazarene, Guatemala, organized a medical program. 60 seniors attended and most of them were widows. The doctor working that day was Dr. René Rivas, National Coordinator for NCM, who counted on the support from the community’s Medical Center.

December 2nd, 2013|CA-4 Field, Compassion, News|
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