Informational videos for The Journey of Grace

Last year, the Board of General Superintendents launched a new framework for Nazarene Discipleship: A Journey of Grace. Watch the promotional video here: And a detailed explanation to learn more about how the Journey of Grace was developed: (Its in the green box that says "Journey of Grace.) You can watch the invitation video

February 2nd, 2023|

Workshop: Coming Out of the Pandemic Stronger – Revitalizing the Established Church

Workshop: Coming Out of the Pandemic Stronger - Revitalizing the Established Church In this webinar given on July 14, Dr. Desmond Barrett outlines a strategy for exiting the pandemic and entering the streets of our communities. In addition, you will discover practical ways to make missional connections in neighborhoods. Access this video workshop and powerpoint

August 18th, 2022|

Workshop: Lived Holiness: A Conversation About Sanctification and Church Leadership in a Love and Honor Framework

Since The Fall of humanity, we have all lived in brokenness. It has dominated our world, our lives, and often our churches. But, equally, God’s love has called us to intimacy with the Trinity throughout human history. Intimacy has always promised hope, healing, and victory over the power of sin. In Wesleyan circles, this is

May 19th, 2022|

Webinar – Unleashing Vocational Laity by Rev. Connie Lincecum

Webinar - Unleashing Vocational Laity by Rev. Connie Lincecum Are you ready to empower and unleash the greatest front-line Kingdom-living group of individuals? What if they are already in your churches but not yet equipped to live out their faith across all areas of their life? Be a part of unleashing the vocational laity as

April 1st, 2022|
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