5 Extraordinary Gifts From God (and how they impact your leadership)

5 Extraordinary Gifts From God (and how they impact your leadership) By Dan Reiland What are some of the first thoughts that come to mind when you reflect on the nature of God? For me, it’s: Kind Just Loving Merciful Present Faithful Sovereign Holy What else comes to your mind? In the midst of the

5 Important Truths about Followership to be a Better Leader

5 Important Truths about Followership to be a Better Leader By Dan Reiland There is no leadership apart from followership. For leadership to maintain the highest integrity, it must recognize the reciprocal process shared by both leaders and followers. The highest integrity means that the leader’s actions have resulted in the people’s (followers) greatest good.

Nazarene Motorcyclists and Others Lend a Hand in Nicaragua

On the first Sunday of March, the Church of the Nazarene in Santa Teresa, Carazo, in the Nicaragua South District, joined the church in El Ojochola to lend a hand to construct their new church building. Two important ministries of the Carazo church were actively involved in supporting the construction: Todo Terreno (All Terrain) and

April 5th, 2024|News, North Central|

Eurasia Region Requests Prayer for Holy Land

The following is an update from the Eurasia Region on the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land. The Eurasia Region requests Nazarenes to join them in prayer for the incomprehensible loss of life and destruction in Gaza and Israel. Since 7 October 2023, more than 31,000+ Palestinians and 1,400+ Israelis have been killed. Of the 31,000+ Palestinians

April 1st, 2024|News|
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